Entertain in Style With These Landscaping Ideas for Enhancing Your Mendham, NJ, Paver Patio

Entertain in Style With These Landscaping Ideas for Enhancing Your Mendham, NJ, Paver Patio

When you want to upgrade your patio for better entertaining, the following landscaping ideas can lead to your enjoyment of eye-catching features and overall better functionality of your backyard in Mendham, NJ. You’ll always be able to entertain when you have a greatly enhanced paver patio area.

Water Feature

A water feature can enhance your paver patio in several ways. Depending on the choice, you can have gently spilling water sounds anywhere in your landscape and even right on the patio.

Nestled in a landscape bed: When your landscapers place a gorgeous concrete waterfall in a nearby landscape bed, you can listen to the soft, spilling water and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding soft greenery. One of the best qualities of a water feature, aside from the sensory delight it adds to the landscape, can be that it is low-maintenance. Many water features rely on recirculating water to spill over and over again, making this an easy addition to your paver patio space.

As a gazing pool: A gazing pool can greatly complement a contemporary landscape. This pool is recessed to become part of the patio or in the yard close by, for a quiet contemplation space. It reflects the trees and sky overhead for a perfect spot to wind down after a hectic week. Watching the moving clouds or the moon in the gazing pool can be quite calming.

Stream and pond: Yes, it is possible to create a stream, one that looks as though it has always been a part of your landscape. Skilled landscape specialists can create a natural-looking stream edged by landscape stone for a realistic effect. As the water flows through the stream, it can spill into a gorgeous pond. When your pond is surrounded by butterfly bushes and other shrubs that attract insects and wildlife, the entire space can become a haven for entertaining and enjoying the pretty butterflies. 

Fire Feature

Nothing can quite match the beauty and ambiance that a fire feature can bring to your paver patio. Sometimes space dictates the fire feature you can add, or you may find that any type of fire feature can be appropriate for adding a soft glow and compelling warmth to your landscape.

Fire pit: A fire pit can be one of the most versatile fire feature options for your patio. Because it can be recessed into the ground near the patio or into the patio itself, a fire pit can light up the dark night. A fire pit can also be built to be elevated, creating a perfect spot for propping up your feet, safely, as you relax by a gas-fueled fire. Your landscapers can create the ideal shape and look for this fire pit—from rustic to modern, they can do it all. 

Outdoor fireplace: An outdoor fireplace can become the focal feature of your patio area. Whether you want the fireplace to blend with the rest of the patio for a seamless appearance or you prefer it to stand out as its own space, the fireplace can fittingly become the central draw to your patio. 

From a modern stucco fireplace with no mantel to a classic brick fireplace with a reclaimed mantel and deep hearth, you have many options for bringing fire to your paver patio.

Related: 4 Landscaping Ideas that Accentuate a Textured Paver Patio in the Mendham, NJ Area

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