Tips for a Sustainable Landscape Design and Eco-Friendly Landscaping in the Madison, NJ Area

Tips for a Sustainable Landscape Design and Eco-Friendly Landscaping in the Madison, NJ Area

When you revamp the landscaping and landscape design of your Madison, NJ, property, you may want your property to have some sustainable features. Fortunately, creating a sustainable landscape design and landscaping that’s more eco-friendly is an achievable goal. Here are some ways to add sustainability attributes to your property:

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Add Native Plants and Flowers

Including native plants in your landscaping design can serve a multitude of purposes, such as helping the environment while looking nice on your property. Native plants, including beautiful blooms such as wood anemone, purple coneflower, and butterfly weed, will add aesthetic value to your property and be eco-friendly, too. Natural wildlife and pollinators visit the native plants for food and pollination purposes which helps the surrounding environment. Ask the landscaping experts which native plantings will do best on your property and which locations around the property are ideal for certain types of plants, flowers, shrubs, and trees.

Include Drought Resistant Plantings

Another way to keep your landscaping eco-friendly is to add plantings that do well in drier climates. Drought-resistant plantings don’t need to be watered as much as other plants, flowers, and shrubs. This means you don’t have to use as much water to keep your plantings vibrant and healthy. Conserving water is considered good for the environment which helps you pursue more eco-friendly living.

Add a Retaining Wall

Adding a retaining wall to your property can help with environmental goals in addition to looking nice with regard to beautifying the landscape. Retaining walls prevent soil and water from moving downhill and help to protect the foundation of your home if you have issues with soil erosion by your house. A retaining wall can also keep mulch in place within your garden areas which means you won’t have to replace the mulch as often as you would without this masonry structure in place. In addition, a retaining wall can be the base for an elevated garden area where you can add native plants and other plantings to the space.

Keep Plantings Well Cared For

When you keep your plants, flowers, shrubs, and trees well cared for, you’re being eco-friendly by not having to replace dead plantings too often. You could have an irrigation system water these plantings on a regular basis, without using too much water for environmental purposes as well. You can add native plants to your paver patio planters and raised garden beds which will provide you with a hardy type of plant that doesn’t require too much water or maintenance.

Smart Outdoor Lighting

Conserving energy by professional outdoor lighting that you can control using your smartphone can minimize the amount of energy you need to use to light up your beautiful landscape. You can put your lighting on a schedule, to bring just the right amount of intriguing ambience to your landscape design all summer long.

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Founded on a passion for nature, BTS Landscaping is committed to building and maintaining high-quality landscapes for discerning clients.

We hire only highly qualified, skilled workers who share our priority for the environment and satisfying customers. We strive to exceed expectations and provide maximum value on every project. Our goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of our clients, our employees, our community and the environment.